
Eye Print Pro

EyePrint Pro lenses are made using a physical mould taken of the entire front of the eye, allowing a perfect impression to be taken of the eye. The impression is then scanned to make a 3D model of the eye on a computer, upon which a contact lens can then be designed by hand, to perfect conform to every lump, bump and wrinkle of the eye, to produce a lens which fits like a glove. The result is a bespoke scleral contact lens which provides unparalleled levels of comfort, stability and vision to even the most irregular ocular surface.

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Scleral Profilometry Guided Fitting

Unlike traditional corneal topography, scleral profilometry allows us to map the entire front surface of the eye, the area where a scleral lens will rest upon the eye. The scleral profile produced can then be used to perfectly customise a scleral contact lens, improving the initial fit and reducing the time it takes to produce a perfectly fitting lens. This technique is perect for fitting eyes who do not have severe asymmetry or irregularity, and allows us to produce a well-fitted scleral lens for you with fewer visits and greater resultant comfort and stability.

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Corneal RGPs (Rigid Gas Permeable)

These are smaller diameter rigid lenses which rest only on the cornea. They are usually around 8-11mm diameter. They are a great option for people who struggle to get large lenses in their eyes, who need central lens contact for best vision, or who have a tighter budget.

Corneal RGPs often provide great vision and have low rates of complications, and they are also a very cost effective option. However for some they can be more uncomfortable, can pop out during the day and can get bits of dust behind them.

If you’re already wearing corneal RGP lenses and are quite happy in them, unless there is a physiological need to change them (for example corneal scarring developing) we can simply continue with them!

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Soft Lenses

It can be easy to over-complicate a lens fitting, and sometimes the trusty soft contact lens can work for many people. Soft lenses are a great option for patients who are able to get a reasonable level of vision with their glasses, as this usually equates to similar or better vision with a soft lens. 

Soft lenses can either be ‘off the shelf’ lenses from an extended parameter range of lenses, or custom-made thicker lenses such as Kerasoft. They can be a good direction for people who struggle to tolerate a scleral or rigid lens, and for those for whom perfect vision is not a top priority.

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Hybrid Lenses

As the name would suggest, hybrid lenses are a combination of rigid and soft lenses. The centre of the lens is made of RGP material, to provide crisp optics, and a soft skirt, to provide comfort, stability and centration. The most popular hybrid lens design is SynergEyes, designed and produced in California. 

Sophie was the first practitioner in the UK to fit SynergEyes lenses and they have continued to play a usual role in the arsenal of lenses for irregular corneas. Hybrid lenses are best suited to the correction of keratoconus, and are not indicated for post-refractive surgery (eg LASIK or RK) or grafts. 

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Cosmetic Contact Lenses

We are also able to fit cosmetic contact lenses. This is usually to mask an ocular defect or abnormality such as scarring, which an individual might feel self-conscious about. They can also be indicated for the following problems:

  • Cosmetically poor eye requiring masking with a coloured lens matching the other eye.

  • Loss of the natural iris following trauma or a birth defect, with an open pupil, used to reduce glare and improve vision.

  • Double vision requiring blocking of the vision in one eye to eliminate the second image

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  • “Sophie is a brilliant optometrist and really knows her stuff about fitting contact lenses for complex corneas (post refractive surgery RK in my case). I have recently been fitted with Eyeprint contact lenses. For anyone with eye problems be it post-lasik or anything else I cannot recommend Sophie highly enough. I spend 2.5 hours in the car each way to see her as I have not been able to find the expertise or service anywhere else. It’s so worth it.”


  • “I have keratoconus and am very short sighted. When my optician retired, I needed a specialist who could handle my complex needs. I found Sophie and she didn't disappoint! Last year, I changed over to scleral lens on Sophie's advice - they are amazing, so comfortable, and vision is very sharp.”


  • “I was diagnosed with keratoconus back in 2008, and sadly lost my pilot’s licence due to quick progression of the KC in 2014. I thought my flying days were over and slowly came to terms with the fact that I would never fly again. I decided to go and visit Sophie to see if she could help. We tried many lenses, and after a couple of months Sophie finally found the solution. AMAZING!!! I passed the Class 1 aviation medical required to get back flying in 2015. Without Sophie, my life would have severely changed. Not only professionally but in my everyday life. I would highly recommend Sophie to anyone who needs eye care and specialist lens fitting.”


  • “I have been with Sophie since before she opened in Hove and have enormous trust in her ability to look after my (somewhat wonky) eyes that need special contact lenses. Her team are unfailingly helpful and pleasant and her range of frames makes her practice special - they’re stylish and different. I cannot recommend the practice and Sophie enough.”


  • “Sophie and the team always provide a fantastic, professional service. As someone with a particularly 'awkward' keratoconus prescription, I'd all but given up hope of getting a decent level of vision back, but Sophie worked a miracle! Would recommend to anyone.”


  • “The Eyeprint Pro lenses are fantastic - from the imprinting process which felt very relaxing thanks to Sophie’s empathetic and gentle application to the final bespoke lens itself. These are the best lenses in terms of comfort and visual acuity with the simplest care regime of any hard lens I have tried. And I have tried them all over the years. If you want excellent vision from lenses you can wear all day long without noticing, try these. The fact that they have negated the need for eye surgery for my grumpy lens-intolerant corneas is the icing on the cake. Try them and you won’t look back.”


Optical Services and Glasses Dispensing


Optometric Services 

The Scleral Lens Centre is located within Taylor-West & Co Optometrists. This practice offers complete optometric services, including comprehensive eye examinations including all ocular health checks and prescriptions measurements. TW&Co also has state-of-the-art equipment for imaging your central and peripheral retina, leading to early detection of conditions such as glaucoma and macular disease.

Contact Taylor-West & Co Optometrists

Optical Needs For Children

TW&Co also offers myopia management services for children and teenagers with myopia (short-sightedness) with specialist equipment to measure axial length, vital to monitor eye growth linked to myopic progression. Specialist contact lenses and glasses can be prescribed to slow down the progression of myopic changes.

Contact Taylor-West & Co Optometrists

Spectacle Dispensing 

Within the practice we have a bright and welcoming spectacle dispensing suite, where our expert Dispensing Opticians can help you find the perfect pair of glasses from our huge selection of handmade eyewear. Brands we stock include Mykita, Kirk&Kirk, Anne et Valentin, Ahlem and Orgreen. We particularly specialise in dispensing high prescriptions and astigmatisms.

Contact Taylor-West & Co Optometrists


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