Scleral Profilometry Guided Fitting

Unlike traditional corneal topography, scleral profilometry allows us to map the entire front surface of the eye, the area where a scleral lens will rest upon the eye. The scleral profile produced can then be used to perfectly customise a scleral contact lens, improving the initial fit and reducing the time it takes to produce a perfectly fitting lens.

This technique is perfect for fitting eyes who do not have severe asymmetry or irregularity, and allows us to produce a well-fitted scleral lens for you with fewer visits and greater resultant comfort and stability.


We have invested in a very clever piece of kit called an Eaglet Eye Surface Profiler (ESP for short). Whereas historically we have been limited by corneal topographers which map the cornea, the topographical shape of the sclera (the white of the eye) has remained somewhat of a mystery.

Historically, we have used diagnostic fitting sets to place sample lenses on the eye, then carefully evaluating the fit and using this to assess how much depth is required, and what edge design to use. This often requires an element of trial and error while we tweak and modify the lens, until we obtain a satisfactory fit. Using the ESP, we can take a map of the front of the eye, taking the guesswork out of fitting the periphery of the lens, significantly cutting down the number of lenses we need to order, and creating a much better lens match.

Much like EyePrint Pro, but without taking an ocular impression, this machine allows the us to design a lens on a computerised model of your eye, leading to a highly accurate lens fit can conform to any small lumps and bumps on the scleral surface such as pingueculae. 

ESP-guided scleral lenses are suitable for people with irregular corneas who want a perfectly fitted lens, but who do not have any requirement for prism and do not have a highly irregular sclera. They are perfect for those with irregular corneas but little to no scleral irregularity.

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