EyePrint Pro

The Scleral Lens Centre is one of only two centres in the UK which is accredited to fit these remarkable lenses. When a person’s ocular surface is highly irregular due to conditions such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD), corneal graft, post-refractive surgery or traumatic/infective scarring, and particularly when the sclera (the white of the eye) is also irregular, it can be very difficult to make a contact lens fit well. This may cause a lens to become uncomfortable, move around causing unstable vision, cause irritation by rubbing on protruding areas, or even fall out of the eye. 


EyePrint Pro lenses are made using a physical mould taken of the entire front of the eye, using a special amalgam which starts as a runny liquid and then quickly sets in the eye, allowing a perfect impression to be taken of the eye. The impression is then scanned to make a 3D model of the eye on a computer, upon which a contact lens can then be designed by hand, to perfect conform to every lump, bump and wrinkle of the eye, to produce a lens which fits like a proverbial glove!

These lenses provide exceptional stability and comfort. And because they fit so accurately, the optical part of the lens can be lathed such that the vision is optimised and aberrations are significantly reduced. This leads to better visual acuity, reduced glare and better night vision for many people. 

EyePrint Pro lenses are indicated for:

  • Patients with highly irregular corneas who have not been able to get a comfortable or stable fit with other lens types.

  • Patients who need a scleral lens type but who have an irregular scleral profile due to, for example, glaucoma bleb surgery or large pingueculae.

  • Patients who require prism but don’t want to or who cannot wear the prism in spectacles. We can correct up to 8^ total with EyePrint Pro lenses, in any direction.

  • People who want the very best lenses out there for supreme levels of comfort and vision.

Think of this option as a Saville Row suit or a bespoke Dior gown, suited for people with an usual shape. The result is a fit that fits you absolutely perfectly, with no compromise.

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